Showing results 1 to 20 of 41
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1-Jan-2014 | Absorption non-symmetric ion-atom processes in helium-rich white dwarf atmospheres | Ignjatović, Ljubiša; Mihajlov, A. A.; Sréckovíc, V. A.; Dimitrijevíc, M. S. |
2-Mar-2016 | Atom-Rydberg-atom chemi-ionization processes in solar and DB white-dwarf atmospheres in the presence of (n - n')-mixing channels | Mihajlov, A. A.; Srećković, V. A.; Ignjatović, Ljubiša; Dimitrijević, M. S. |
1-Mar-2012 | The Chemi-Ionization Processes in Slow Collisions of Rydberg Atoms with Ground State Atoms: Mechanism and Applications | Mihajlov, A. A.; Srećković, V. A.; Ignjatović, Ljubiša; Klyucharev, A. N. |
22-Feb-2010 | The contribution of the absorption processes to the opacity of DB white dwarf atmospheres in UV and VUV regions | Ignjatović, Ljubiša; Mihajlov, A. A.; Metropoulos, A.; Sakan, N. M.; Dimitrijević, M. S. |
1-Jan-2010 | Electrical conductivity of plasmas of DB white dwarf atmospheres | Srećković, V. A.; Ignjatović, Ljubiša; Mihajlov, A. A.; Dimitrijević, M. S. |
27-Mar-2013 | Excitation and deexcitation processes in atom-Rydberg atom collisions in helium-rich white dwarf atmospheres | Srećković, V. A.; Mihajlov, A. A.; Ignjatović, Ljubiša; Dimitrijević, M. S. |
14-May-2012 | Experimental and theoretical study of the chemi-ionization in thermal collisions of Ne Rydberg atoms | O'Keeffe, P.; Bolognesi, P.; Avaldi, L.; Moise, A.; Richter, R.; Mihajlov, A. A.; Srećković, V. A.; Ignjatović, Ljubiša |
1-May-2004 | H<sup>+</sup> + H(1s) collisions at intermediate impact velocities as a new source of UV and VUV radiation | Mihajlov, A. A.; Ermolaev, A. M.; Ignjatović, Ljubiša |
1-Jan-2014 | Helium-rich white dwarf atmospheres: The non-symmetric ion-atom absorption processes | Srećković, V. A.; Mihajlov, A. A.; Ignjatović, Ljubiša; Dimitrijević, M. S. |
1-Jan-2018 | HF electric properties of the astrophysical plasmas | Srećković, V. A.; Mihajlov, A. A.; Sakan, N. M.; Ignjatović, Ljubiša; Dimitrijević, M. S.; Jevremović, D.; Vujčić, V. |
1-Mar-2008 | The influence of (n - n<sup>′</sup>)-mixing processes in He<sup>*</sup> (n) + He (1 s<sup>2</sup>) collisions on He<sup>*</sup> (n) atoms' populations in weakly ionized helium plasmas | Mihajlov, A. A.; Ignjatović, Ljubiša; Srećković, V. A.; Djurić, Z. |
1-Aug-2007 | Influence of chemi-ionization and chemi-recombination processes on hydrogen line shapes in M dwarfs | Mihajlov, A. A.; Jevremović, D.; Hauschildt, P.; Dimitrijević, M. S.; Ignjatović, Ljubiša; Alard, F. |
1-Jan-2003 | Influence of chemi-ionization and chemi-recombination processes on the population of hydrogen Rydberg states in atmospheres of late type dwarfs | Mihajlov, A. A.; Jevremovic, D.; Hauschildt, P.; Dimitrijević, M. S.; Ignjatović, Ljubiša; Alard, F. |
1-Jul-2007 | The influence of H <inf>2</inf><sup>+</sup>-photo-dissociation and (H + H <sup>+</sup>)-radiative collisions on the solar atmosphere opacity in UV and VUV regions | Mihajlov, A. A.; Ignjatović, Ljubiša; Sakan, N. M.; Dimitrijević, M. S. |
1-Jan-2010 | Influence of inelastic Rydberg atom-atom collisional process on kinetic and optical properties of low-temperature laboratory and astrophysical plasmas | Klyucharev, A. N.; Bezuglov, N. N.; Mihajlov, A. A.; Ignjatović, Ljubiša |
30-Mar-2017 | Influence of Rydberg atom-atom collisional and (n-n')-mixing processes on optical properties of astrophysical and low-temperature laboratory plasmas | Mihajlov, A. A.; Srećković, V. A.; Ignjatović, Ljubiša; Simić, Z.; Dimitrijević, M. S. |
1-Jan-1997 | Interaction of electrons with atoms in ground and excited states; potential of interaction, momentum transfer cross-sections | Ignjatović, Ljubiša; Mihajlov, A. A. |
30-Mar-2017 | The inverse bremsstrahlung absorption coefficients and Gaunt factors in astrophysical plasmas | Mihajlov, A. A.; Srećković, V. A.; Sakan, N. M.; Ignjatović, Ljubiša; Simić, Z.; Dimitrijević, M. S. |
1-Jan-2014 | The ion-atom absorption processes as one of the factors of the influence on the sunspot opacity | Ignjatović, Ljubiša; Mihajlov, A. A.; Srećković, V. A.; Dimitrijević, M. S. |
1-Oct-2014 | Ion-atom radiative processes in the solar atmosphere: Quiet Sun and sunspots | Srećković, V. A.; Mihajlov, A. A.; Ignjatović, Ljubiša; Dimitrijević, M. S. |