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Showing results 528 to 547 of 5131
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- B Σ →X Σ electronic transition of MgO 1 + 1 + 1
- B C synthesis 4 1
- B H radical 2 2 1
- B Σ -X Σ luminescence spectrum of AlO 2 + 2 + 1
- B-A band system 1
- B-x spectral system of MgO 1
- B. Chemical synthesis 3
- B. Composites 2
- B. EIS 1
- B. Electron microscopy 1
- B. Electron microscopy (TEM and SEM) 1
- B. Glasses, metallic 2
- B. Magnetic properties 1
- B. mechanical properties at ambient temperature 1
- B. Nanocomposite 1
- B. Polarization 1
- B. Proton conductivity 1
- B. Raman spectroscopy and scattering 1
- B. Sol-gel chemistry 1
- B. Spectroscopy 1
Showing results 528 to 547 of 5131
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